Saturday, October 23, 2010

Mimi, Papaw, and Aunt Lauren weekend

Although Friday was not an all together bad day, I was glad to see it come to a close because I had a headache All Day!  I get headaches at least once a week and over the counter medicine usually doesn't get rid of them.  So, Friday afternoon I finally went to the Dr. and was prescribed something stronger.  Once I got the prescription filled and took the medicine I was very happy with how quickly it took away my headache.  Anyway, enough about that!  Friday morning Lauren went with me to take Isaac to preschool.  She was able to meet his teacher and see his classroom.  After we picked Isaac up from preschool Friday afternoon we went to the park so Isaac could show Aunt Lauren his new remote control plane.  We always enjoy going to the park and Friday was no exception.  I want to make a side note here about how thoughtful Isaac is.  Right before we were getting ready to leave the park Isaac found a stick.  I told him we needed to go and when I was buckling him in his car seat he said "I found a stick and I wanted to bring it with me, but then I remembered that you had some things in the car from Target and I didn't want to get them dirty."  His thoughtfulness shows in many things he says, but that is just one example.  After we put the boys to bed Friday night I finally got relief from my headache and Terry, Lauren, and I enjoyed laughing together as we watched The Office.  Marjorie and Jim arrived very late after driving here from Tallahassee, FL.
This morning Terry made us a great breakfast of blueberry pancakes and eggs.  Then Marjorie, Lauren, myself, and the boys took off for IKEA.  Although Lauren's 22nd birthday was yesterday we celebrated all day today.  When I had asked her a couple weeks ago what she wanted to do this weekend IKEA was at the top of her list!  Isaac's goal was to get to the toy section, but he entertained himself along the way by pretending different display areas were stages.  Isaac loves a stage!  After shopping we took the kids home and us girls went to a spa to further celebrate Lauren's birthday.  I got a massage and it was wonderful!  Lauren got a massage and Marjorie got a facial.  Lauren chose a Thai restaurant for dinner.  I think we all agreed that it definitely wasn't the best Thai restaurant, but we enjoyed being together just the same.  Although it had been a busy day and it was getting close to the boys' bedtime we had to fulfill our promise to carve pumpkins.  The boys both had a lot of fun.  Isaac enjoyed getting all the goo (yes, that is the technical term) out and we found out that Hayden enjoyed trying to put the cut out shapes back in.  I am very thankful that we have had this family time this weekend!

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